Graduate Profiles is a pilot project of the Library which aims to showcase our graduates’ accomplishments during their years of undergraduate studies in the Academy. The Graduate Profiles page would show you our graduates’ talents and their participation in different performances in the Academy. In addition to photos and videos provided by the students, there are embedded links to view their works in the HKAPA Digital.

Besides the School of Drama, the Library has extended the coverage to include the graduates of the School of Dance and School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts.

畢業生簡歷網頁是圖書館的先導計劃,目的是展示畢業生於本科生課程內的演出經驗及成果。 畢業生簡歷網頁提供畢業生在校曾參與演出的劇目、相片及錄像等資料,讓大家認識他們的才華及經驗;如劇目已被演藝數碼資源收錄,大家可透過預先嵌入的超連結直接觀看他們的演出。


Information in this website is supplied by students concerned. The Library has made every effort to ensure the information provided is helpful and accurate. Nevertheless, some information may become outdated afterwards or details may have changed. The Library provides no warranty or guarantee that the information in this website is accurate, complete or up-to-date.


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