Graduate Profiles

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Graduate Profiles, a pilot project to showcase our graduates’ accomplishments during their years of studies in the Academy is ready for viewing. Thanks to Mr Roy Szeto, Senior Lecturer (Directing) of the School of Drama who initiated this project and coordinated amongst the 2016-2017 graduates from the School of Drama. We are delighted to be part of this meaningful project.

The Graduate Profiles page would show you our graduates’ talents and their participation in different performances in the Academy. In addition to photos and videos provided by the students, there are embedded links to view their works in the Digital Performing Arts Repository. We believe that this project will pave the way for more collaboration with other Schools and Departments and the end result will benefit generation of graduating students and the general public who would like to know more about them.

畢業生簡歷網頁先導計劃現已推出,此計劃目的為展示畢業生於在學期間的演出經驗及成果。非常感謝戲劇學院高級 講師(導演)司徒慧焯先生發起計劃並協調2016-2017學年之戲劇學院畢業生提供資料。對於能參與此計劃,圖書館深感榮幸。

畢業生簡歷網頁提供畢業生在校曾參與演出的劇目、相片及錄像等資料,讓大家認識他們的才華及經驗;如劇目已被表演藝術數碼典藏(DPAR)收錄,大家可透過 預先嵌入的超連結直接觀看他們的演出。我們深信此先導計劃為圖書館與各學院及部門奠定合作基礎;計劃成果亦能增加公眾人士對歷屆畢業生的認識,有助提升學院畢業生的知名度及形象。